Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vote Obama!

The last two elections have been about complete and utter crap. We weren't focused on who could run the country better, who had a better vision, who wouldn't lead us into mindless wars. Instead, the far right decided it would rather have our country go to hell in a handbag, as long as gay people weren't inside of it with them.

Like I said, crap.

So this year I make a proposal:

Let's vote for someone smarter than us instead of voting for the person you would like to have a beer with.

How stupid was that last idea anyway?

When filing a lawsuit I didn't think, "Gee, I want the lawyer who would make a good drinking buddy." When I had someone do my taxes I didn't pick her based on her margarita making skills. And to this day, when I ask someone where they found their doctor, not once have they told me, "You know, I was at the bar, and when I saw him doing body shots and pass out on the floor, I just knew he was the guy I wanted to perform my surgery."

Can you name any other position in life in which being your drinking buddy is a prerequisite?

Maybe I've got it wrong. Maybe everyone else parties with their nannies and chugs a few back with their kids' teachers, and I'm an idiot who thinks we should select smart people to work for us. I know, we hate smart people. Sometimes I, too, am smart, and am on the receiving end of hatred. But here is the thing we need to remember about smart people:

For lack of a better word, smart people

Smart people are hated because they make us feel stupid. But we need smart people. Think back to high school/college/KinderCare.

When there was any type of group project, who did you want on your team?

The smart people.

In college, who were your study buddies?

Bet it wasn't the guy going through his second year as a senior.

At work, who do you call when you have a problem?

Get the picture?

We need smart people. We need a smart president because of the implications of the position. No president is an island---the president gets to pick the team. In 2001, it was not just Clinton and Gore who left DC---all of their people had to pack up with them. The president picks his cabinet, Supreme Court justices, some lower court justices. Those people go on to select their own staff, and so on and so on. It is a big deal. You want a smart president who will pick other smart people to run things. You don't want someone who thinks the answers lie in waiting for God to do something completely unaided by His people, or someone who is waiting for the Magic 8 Ball to tell him what to do.

I'm voting for Barack Obama.

I am not going to discuss other presidential candidates on this blog. It is my feeling that too much energy is being sent their way. besides, talking about them is depressing. Am I the only one who feels like the weight of the world has been pressed onto them whenever I see a story about them? As if my only escape from the hell which would be their administration is either heavy medication, a move to Canada, or a shot of tequila?

Maybe that's why people were seeking a drinking buddy.

I say this is last call.

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