Thursday, October 9, 2008

No on Prop 4

I could go on for eons about why parental notification/permission laws are crappy.

But I won’t.

So I’ll put it this way:

For those of you who think forcing teens to have kids is a good idea, do me a favor---

Ride public transportation.

In the middle of the day.

Parenting is not romantic. It’s not for everyone.

Adoption is not romantic. It’s not for everyone.

Abortion is not romantic. It’s not for everyone.

Once you’re pregnant, those are the choices. While it’s nice for parents to actually parent, some are nitwits. Right now there’s a teenage girl who knows if she told her folks she was selling both her kidneys on the black market they’d let her know she was blocking their path to the Sudafed and they need to finish cooking this batch of meth.

Then there are those parents who don’t understand that discussions are pointless.

For those who don’t get my drift, answer this question: If I already know what you’re going to say and I don’t agree with you, is what’s going on a discussion or is it you yelling at me until your voice breaks or I do?

I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.

So if a teen, having (hopefully) lived with her parents for all of her life, doesn’t want to tell her folks she’s having an abortion, don’t make her. She’s not withholding the info because her magic 8 ball told her to do so. She’s withholding it because she knows how they’d react. Maybe she doesn’t want to disappoint them because they are such great loving people who would never understand. Or maybe, after years of putting up with their crap, she’s decided her best bet is to not make any waves and hightail it out of there the day she turns 18. Whatever the reason, since she has to live with whatever the outcome the rest of her life, she should be the one to decide instead of making her give the baby up or forcing her to marry some self professed redneck hockey player.

BTW, use condoms! Unlike what happens in serial romance novels, 99.5% of the time real life does not work out well for the innocent (stupid) woman who ends up pregnant from a one night stand. Instead of being swept off her feet, she'll be sweeping at the McDonald's where she's the night shift manager because her own mom works days.